What makes a good office?

A person sits in a workroom writing notes

A good workroom serves its user by providing suitable equipment and peace of mind for the optimal performance of work tasks. A data analyst and an interior architect are likely to need slightly different features in their studio. This article highlights such qualities that are essential for a workroom that are important regardless of the profession. 


In a way, workrooms have come back at the turn of the 2020s. In our view, two different factors have contributed to this.

  1. An increasing number of people doing knowledge work have become aware of the problems of open offices in work that requires concentration. Brain researchers Katri Saarikivi and Minna Huotilainen contributed to this with their book Brains at Work, published in 2018.

  2. For its part, the coronavirus pandemic forced people to work remotely. In this context, many found remote working to be quite productive at best. According to the latest working life barometer, three-quarters felt that they could concentrate better in remote work than at the office.

As a result, many people find the bustle of open offices and communal workspaces even impossible in terms of productivity and wish for their own workroom again. So what makes a good office?


Boffice's goal is to lower the threshold for moving from one's own home office to one's own office space in the city centre and, at least indirectly, to lower the threshold for hiring the first employees when the office space is in an attractive location and its price does not become an obstacle to other development.


A good workroom is at its best cozy and inviting

A good workroom attracts its user. So where does this attraction come from in the office? For another, the mere peace of a private office is reason enough to return to the office day in and day out.

For another, the attractive factor is the visual ensemble of the study, which consists of the layout, furniture and lighting. Below I list things that are commonly known to affect a good workroom experience.

Did you know that all Boffice workrooms for rent in Helsinki can be freely decorated according to your own taste. Read more!


The lighting in the workroom is adjustable

It is worth maximizing the amount of incoming natural light, especially in Finland, where natural light is hardly available outside traditional office hours during the autumn and winter seasons. Excessive sunlight that interferes with work must also be able to be limited with curtains or blinds during the summer season.

In addition to ceiling lighting, it is also worth bringing other smaller luminaires to the study, with which you can easily influence the overall atmosphere of the space. With a bright light lamp, you can brighten up the mood, especially on the darkest mornings of the year.

In terms of lighting, the color scheme of the study should be light and airy.


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Comprehensive ergonomics of the workroom

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health encourages investments in comprehensive ergonomics in the planning of the working environment. Comprehensive ergonomics also takes a stand on issues outside the actual workroom, such as easy-to-use systems and smooth work processes.

In some professions, it is also possible to influence the smoothness of work with the equipment and layout of the workroom. One example of this is a therapist who regularly receives clients in his office. In this case, already the decoration of the workroom can have a positive effect on the smoothness of work.

In the case of a person who mainly performs information work with a display screen, the ergonomics of the workroom are often more concretely related to furniture. Ergonomically high-quality furniture plays a key role in this case. In this case, it is possible to increase the ergonomics of the workroom with solutions that improve physical ergonomics, among others:

  • Electric tables

  • Adjustable and supported office chairs

  • Saddle chairs

  • Standing mats

  • Ergonomic keyboard and mouse

In addition, when decorating a workroom, you should think about solutions that encourage you to change working positions and take micro-breaks. Micro-breaks have been proven to improve concentration and reduce stress.


The location of the workroom is emphasized in the era of hybrid work

The appropriate location of the workroom is a factor that affects the use of the workroom surprisingly much. This is partly linked to the rising trend of hybrid work. Hybrid work combines remote work and working physically at the workplace during the same working week. Sometimes even during the same working day.

Good conditions are created for hybrid work when the workspaces are located along good transport connections in a place that is also easily accessible by public transport. This makes it easy for both employees and customers to visit the premises where your office is located, if necessary.

At Boffice, we want to be able to enable smooth hybrid work, in addition to enabling small businesses to move away from home offices and offices to their first own office.


Boffice offices in Helsinki

At Boffice, you will find a wide range of workrooms in the best locations in Helsinki with affordable flexible rental agreements. Our office and office hotels are located in Etu-Töölö, Hakaniemi, Kallio, Kamppi and Pasila. Our newest home recently opened in Kamppi.


Who are Boffice offices suitable for – see examples below


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Tommi Ora

Tommi's passion is to develop the real estate industry in a more customer-centric direction. More than 15 years of experience in various roles related to real estate and a few years of experience in startups lay the foundation for the development work. Tommi spends his free time tinkering with his family.


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