Additional services
Cleaning services
From 25,00€ / month
Use your time efficiently and leave the cleaning to the professionals. Book a bi-weekly room cleaning service. Service available in some areas for an indefinite period.
My internet connection
From 19,90€ / month
Need a little more kick to your network or want to set your own network settings? Easily subscribe to mobile broadband and take full control of your network.
Additional key or access code
40,00€ / key
Has the team size increased or do you just need more keys or access badges? Ordering additional keys is easy here.
Furniture package
39,00€ / month / workstation
Rent basic office furniture for a monthly fee to save the environment. You can also easily order more workstations here as your team grows.
From 99,00€ / month
Do you need your own parking space for your car? In certain destinations, a space is available directly through Boffice, so you won't waste any more time looking for a suitable spot.