Tips for the summer holiday season from Janne Kukkonen of OIT Isännöinn, a Boffice customer: a guide for small teams and sole traders

Summer is the golden age for holidays, when workplaces are empty of people and beaches are full. How can small teams and sole traders organise things so that everyone can enjoy their well-earned holiday? Janne Kukkonen, Managing Director of OIT Isännöinn, who has been an entrepreneur for years, shares his own experiences and tips.

Small teams and holidays - how to organise things?

With a small team, meeting the challenges of the summer holiday season requires careful planning and delegation. OIT 's Helsinki team of seven people goes through the unfinished and open issues on a building-by-building basis before the start of the holiday season. They ensure that all the tasks to be promoted during the holiday period are identified and delegated.

One particular concern is the acceptance and payment of purchase invoices on behalf of housing associations, but this too can be addressed by extending the access settings for system IDs to allow substitutes to work during holidays. Anticipation and delegation will help ensure that all important tasks continue seamlessly, even when team members are on holiday on alternate days. However, it is important that not all team members are on holiday at the same time, but that holidays are staggered among team members.

Oit Hosting photo collage

How to cope with the challenges of the summer holiday season in small teams and as a sole trader

As a sole trader or small business owner, taking leave can be a little more complicated. One challenge for a property management entrepreneur is managing sudden unexpected events, such as water damage. While property management can handle such situations, a property manager is also needed, so some form of accessibility during the holidays is necessary.

How can a sole trader or small business owner enjoy their holiday and keep their business running at the same time? The key is to plan and organise your work well before the holiday. This means clearing your desk - both physical and mental - before you go on holiday.

Self-employed workers also have to balance work and holidays. Some need a long, uninterrupted recovery period, while others, like Kukkonen, can take their holidays in bursts and work half a day now and then during the holiday.

But one thing is certain: with good planning and organisation, even small teams and sole traders can enjoy a well-deserved summer holiday while the business continues to run smoothly.

Last tips for the summer holiday season

The arrival of summer brings with it a holiday, an essential way to recover and recharge your batteries for the next challenge of the working season. However, this can be a challenge if you are a small business owner or work in a small team. It's important to leave the day-to-day tasks for a while and give yourself time to enjoy the summer.

"Take care of yourself. Rest and enjoy the summer. When you return to work, you'll be rested, motivated and ready to take on new challenges. Don't stress too much about work while on holiday. Remember, even if you're self-employed, you have the right to recharge your batteries. You are not alone, you can always call on others if you need help. If a holiday is out of the question, try to work lighter hours if possible," says Janne Kukkonen.

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